Benefits of Swimming in Ikogosi warm spring swimming pool.

Ikogosi warm spring swimming pool assists in relaxing muscles and increasing blood flow to injured areas. Patients who experience muscle spasms, back pain, arthritis and fibromyalgia find this aspect of Aquatic Therapy especially therapeutic. Research suggested that the warm spring has a temperature of about 70 º C at the source and 37 º C at the confluence. Another unique attribute of the spring is its popularly-acclaimed therapeutic efficacy. Many believe, although this largely still remains to be scientifically proven, that the water has some kind of therapy for the aching human body. It is therefore not unusual to see tourists and many other visitors collecting the spring into containers of various sizes, either carrying them on their heads or putting such in the booths of their vehicles as they head away. Quite a large volume of tourists to the Ikogosi Wonder take advantage of the large quantum of warm water pooled up for swimming purposes by the Resort. [https:...