
What is PaintBall?
Paintball is a competitive team shooting sport in which players eliminate opponents from play by hitting them with spherical dye-filled gelatin capsules ("paintballs") that break upon impact. Paintballs are usually shot using a low-energy air weapon called a paintball marker that is powered by compressed air (nitrogen) or carbon dioxide and was originally designed for remotely marking trees and cattle.

Why PaintBall?

1. Adventure and Adrenaline
Ever since we first played paintball we've loved the adrenaline and adventure it provides. Running through the woods, hiding behind inflatable bunkers, shooting opponents and getting shot just doesn't get old. When the countdown is on before the break or as we first take off once the game begins, there is still the tingle of anticipation that goes down my neck. That feeling will never get old.

2. Teamwork and Strategy
We kind of fudged on this because teamwork and strategy don't have to go together (but it kind of gave us 11 things on our list). We love working with our team to devise and implement a strategy that leads to victory. In paintball, you quickly learn that success comes by working together and that the best strategy in the world will fail if everyone isn't on the same page. Few things are as rewarding as when you get out on the field and see a plan come together in a fun way.

3. Exercise
Paintball is an active sport. While there are periods of sitting, hiding and waiting, there are lots of times to run, sprint, jump and move. It provides an excellent chance to get exercise and get your heart rate up. As long as you remember to stretch, then the exercise is always going to be great for your body.

4. Outdoors
Paintball is played outdoors and indoors. Our preference, though, is almost always to be outside. It's a chance to feel the sun and wind and to enjoy some quality time with mother nature. We enjoy all types of paintball, but our favorite has to be playing in the woods. It's a chance for me to really get out and enjoy some natural beauty while having fun and
excitement in the process.

Compiled by
Ògbéni Babájídé Fájuyì


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