Hilltown (Ekiti) Urban Hikers hiked Olóta mountain in Ado-Ekiti


On the 9th of September 2023, A group of urban hikers went to Olota Mountain . Olota mountain is located in Ado Ekiti the capital city of Ekiti State.

We gathered at 7 a.m at the meeting point, some came around 8am. The hike instructor inspectedand give us specific instructions to follow during the hike. He talked about the hiking shoes,how important it is for us to wear a hiking shoe because of the slippery place and it is possiblefor everybody to just dive at any time. So, he gave a strict warning that if anyone is not puttingon a proper hiking shoe, such persons should have someone beside them to help them andthey should never be alone.

Then the hiking begins, we kept on moving up the bush parts at first it seems there was no mountain there but it was a sight to behold. We got to a mountain side and saw a statue of oneof the gods in Ekiti state named ÒRÚNMÌLÀ the tour guide told us the god lived on the mountain old for 400 years and it was there. The statue was there and it was noticed that they were worshipping the gods there so it was mentioned that the gods is four times the size of ahuman and the tour guide gave instruction that any ladies on their menstrual periods or justconcluded the menstrual periods shouldn't come close because it is not good for such people tocome close to the ÒRÚNMÌLÀ statue.

 From there we kept moving forward to the top of the mountain people had a great time with us one climbing from the mountains in another we haveso many people there in the mountains were taking pictures people were happy we saw thecactus plant on the mountain , the beautiful part is that we saw the beautiful city of Ado-ekitivery clearly and very beautifully from the top of the mountain and the top of the mountain wesighted the overhead bridge we could sight the the old garage and different places in Ado Ekiti,we kept moving and moving to the top of the mountain on the last top of the mountain it wasfun. People were taking pictures, dancing and were happy and the man o war started trainingand people try the rope climbing from a specific points to another climbing the mountain topand going down the mountain top with a rope, it was actually fun because people were justtrying out different things.

There was also yoga training for people who were interested people going through yoga

training and the last event on the mountaintop was when a ifá worshiper came to talk about themountain and ifa and they gave us some brief information about ifá and how it works for themso it was so much fun and after the event we went hiking our way back from Olota Mountain.

Hiking the mountain was a good experience and we had a great time, for the urban hikers tosee the nature and experience the nature. We networked and made new friends, we ended the hike with eating Ìgbèmò rice N10(ten naira) per wrap + N10(ten naira) per piece and palmwine.

Boluwatife Olosunde

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